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In the world of dating and relationships, connections are deepened and bonds are strengthened when longing and desire continues to grow. This is why it is important to make your man miss you often. However, you don’t need to be manipulative about it. Here are some genuine ways to make your man miss you, appreciate you, and cherish you more!
Create Some Space Between You Both
Your man cannot miss you if you’re always together, can he? That’s why you need to give him space often. When you’re always together and are constantly communicating with him, he can get complacent because you are always available. However, when you’re away from him at certain times, he gets to experience life without you and would be eager to have you back with him. This is a great way to strengthen your bond. But, don’t stay away too often because absence makes the heart grow fonder, but prolonged absence can make the heart go cold.

Have a Life Outside of Him
You need to have your own interest hobbies, career, or pursuits that you engage in outside your man. This is a way to show that you are living a balanced and fulfilled life, and you are not overly dependent on him. Make time often to engage in fun activities alone or with friends. When you get back from all that, you can be sure that he’ll be waiting with arms wide open because he has missed you.
Don’t Be Too Available
It can be a sign of love to cancel all your plans and schedules whenever he calls you, just so that you can be available to him. But, being too available can have an adverse effect. This isn’t to say that you pretend to be busy even when you’re not. However, when you have other things to pay attention to, do that, and then return to him when you’re done. You can respond to his messages a little later sometimes, especially when he’s not in an emergency. This is sure to make him miss you and count the minutes or hours until you respond.
You can also throw in a bit of mystery to make him wonder what you’re up to and want to get to know more about you. However, don’t be too secretive, because he could misunderstand you.

Make Beautiful Memories
One of the surest ways to make him miss you is to make beautiful memories when you are together. Give him your full attention, have fun, and plan unique and memorable events. You can have a unique date night, see movies, have a weekend getaway, or plan and exciting outing. These events will always cross his mind when you’re away and make him miss you and want to make more memories with you.
Now you know how you can add spice to your relationship and make him miss you more. Even as you do this, strive to create a healthy balance in your relationship so that your love can grow and your bond can become more fulfilling.