Signs of a healthy relationship

As social creatures, humans create connections, bringing a healthy and happy existence. A healthy relationship can be defined differently for every couple, but we can agree being loved and feeling safe around your partner is essential for it to work. With help from social media, books, and observing people around you, can determine what a healthy relationship entails and what to avoid when in a relationship.

We can all agree that all relationships have unique challenges, but this shouldn't stop you from having a healthy, long-term relationship. What signs should you watch out for to define a positive relationship? Trust, mutual respect, reliability, open communication, and teamwork are an essential part of every healthy relationship. 

In this article, I'll discuss 10 signs of a healthy relationship.


Trust starts with the smallest things, for example, finances and vulnerability around your partner, and moves to bigger things, like choosing a family home, parenting, and planning for your future together. This creates a comfortable environment, both physically and emotionally. Trusting your partner also means leaving behind any trust issues you’ve had with past partners to make it easier to trust your current one.

Ensure you treat your partner well to avoid raising trust issues and give them a sense of comfort in the relationship. Trusting each other means your relationship is on the right path.

Open communication

Having a partner with that you are comfortable opening up and expressing your thoughts freely to is a good way to maintain a healthy relationship. It is also good to remember that, communication needs to come from the both of you, which means there should be no holding back information or forbidden topics. 

Open communication also helps resolve health issues in the relationship. As people with different pasts, you will not agree on everything, which facilitates long dialogues that lead to long-term solutions and a healthier relationship.

If this happens in your relationship, you have a healthy relationship.


To maintain a good relationship, you need to collaborate with your partner. Teamwork includes activities like sharing of chores and bills, sharing finance, and encouraging each other to pursue your dreams and passions. 

Working as a team also means asking your for their opinion when making decisions. This will show your partners that they matter and that you respect their decisions.

Teamwork also means making memories together, e.g.; going on vacation, volunteering, or engaging in any leisure activity that you enjoy doing together, which will strengthen your bond.


Respect is critical in a healthy relationship. This means your partner is entitled to their opinion, friends, dreams, and interests, and you must respect them all. It also means no one is superior in the relationship; your partner’s suggestions are as important. Some interests your partner has do not have to interest you, and it's better to accept them to maintain a healthy relationship.

Respect may also mean setting healthy boundaries for your partner. This will avoid violating their mental, physical, and emotional values. Ensure you respect your partner to maintain a good relationship.


Support may mean your partner has taken a new interest in new things that require you to be available. In this case, you should create time to show support for them. However, you can have different interests. 

Even with your partner's support, remember to achieve your goals alone. Doing so will give you a sense of dependency. However, if your partner is going through a rough patch, you must take up more responsibility and support them more.

Support from your partner means your relationship is healthy and is headed the right way.


Honesty means sharing essential details of your life with your partner and telling them what makes you uncomfortable about them, such as when your partner doesn't communicate enough or how they handle different situations. These conversations may be difficult but essential since your opinion is valuable and you must be heard. 

Honesty helps build trust and strengthen your bond, making your partner a haven for you. This means when your partner is honest with you, you shouldn't judge them or feel invalidated. Choosing an honest partner means having a healthy relationship.


Has your partner gone out of his way to do a task for you, get you something you've always wanted, or even support you through some hard times? You need to thank them and show them that you appreciate everything they do for you. This may be through grand gestures, small gifts for one another, or a simple “thank you.”

Knowing your partner’s love language can make appreciation easier and make your gift more appealing. Partners who show gratitude make it easy to maintain a healthy relationship.


Having a partner you can rely on means they are there for you, listen to you, and help whenever needed. This gives a sense of comfort and emotional well-being and increases the longevity of a relationship. Reliability also means that your partner fulfills their promises to you, which builds a strong connection between the two of you.

Reliability gives partners a sense of trust because they are dependable and can keep their word. A reliable partner is a good sign of a healthy relationship.


Intimacy can be categorized into physical, Emotional, Intellectual, and spiritual intimacy. All these forms are essential in a relationship because they promote closeness, which forms a deeper connection with your partner. 

During physical intimacy, a hormone, oxytocin, is released, which adds to a stronger sense of companionship. Apart from sex, intimacy can be demonstrated by holding hands, cuddling, and kissing.

If you and your partner are often intimate, your relationship will be healthy.


Asking for forgiveness is one of the most vital traits that partners must have to maintain a healthy relationship. Choose a good way to apologize, and remember not to take too long to avoid miscommunication. Forgiveness leads to good behavioral changes and gives way to emotional healing.

Therefore, remember to understand your partner's boundaries to avoid hurting them or being disrespectful. Solve your issues together politely and honestly to ensure your relationship is healthy.

A healthy relationship goes both ways. Remember always to monitor your relationship and know when to seek professional help from a therapist or a marriage counselor. Learn the signs of an unhealthy relationship to avoid relationship traumas, and ensure you talk to your partner about any unhealthy skills they have. 

Healthy relationships are imperfect, so be patient with your partner, and you will be happy.

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